Smoke Odor Candle (Half Baked)

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Product Details

Better than a brownie, it's the new Half Baked brownie fragrance. A warm and gooey combination of dark chocolate fudge, cookie dough, patchouli and sweet vanilla. This delicious aroma of hot fudge brownies fresh from the oven is sure to satisfy your cravings.

1. Trim candle wick to 1/8” before lighting, and keep wick trimmed to 1/8” while burning.“Clip Your Wick” Wick Trimmers are available - Ask your sales person for more information.

2. Always burn candle on a heat resistant surface, preferably on a heat and fire resistant candle holder.
3. Burn candle within sight, never on or near anything that can catch fire.
4. Do not let matches, wick trimmings or debris accumulate in the jar, as this could be a fire hazard.
5. If flame smokes, extinguish and trim wick to 1/8” before relighting. NEVER leave a burning candle unattended."
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